Broccoli Zucchini Soup

This yummy green soup happens to be vegan and alkaline.BroccoliSoup Though I follow neither of those diets, I just like it cos it’s very simple to make, and almost impossible to screw up, plus it tastes yummy, and creamy, though it is pure veggies!!


This recipe serves 4

2 heads of Broccoli, wash, trim stalks, chop in rough chunks

2 Zucchinis, chop up roughly

1 onion, peel, chop roughly

4 garlic cloves or you can use garlic salt

dried basil or fresh basil

grapeseed oil or coconut oil or olive oil

pumpkin seeds to decorate & top with (this is a bonus, i don’t always do this)


In a large soup pan, add some grapeseed or coconut oil, throw in the onion & garlic, sautee for 5 mins, stirring, then add dried basil, salt, the veggies, sautee 4 a few mins, then add hot water to about 2/3, so the veggies arent covered in water, but 2/3 of them is. Simmer for 10 mins max, you don’t want to overboil. Then throw it all in a blender, and blend on high for a minute or two, serve with pumpkin seeds and a swirl of olive oil.


I’ve made this soup with other veggies too, like butternut squash. Just peel and chop roughly the butternut squash, and substitute the basil with spices like dried ginger, turmeric, curry. Also you will need to simmer the squash longer than the broccoli. SO YUM! Its kind of like pure veggie baby food LOL.

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